Business Promotion Strategies

If you are a manufacturer looking to put more of your products into the marketplace, you may want to utilize a push strategy, in which you try to push your product through to resellers and retailers by offering them incentives to sell it. A push strategy can have the biggest effect when you are introducing a new product or are trying to stimulate interest in something whose sales may be falling off.

There are some other strategies like that for business promotion.

1) Reach out to past customers via phone, e-mail or direct mail. Remind them that you exist and let them know about new offerings.

2) Build and maintain a customer mailing and contact list on database software. And also build your image with well designed letterhead and business cards.

3) Find something news-worthy about your business and reach out to local media directly or national media by sending a press release.

4) A pull strategy is based on promotions that appeal more to the end user than the retailer.

You are attempting to pull in more sales by offering the consumer incentives to buy your products.

5) Design a booklet that best explains the benefits of your services. And also design and distribute company calendars, mugs, pens, note pads, or other advertising specialties displaying your company name and logo.

6) Start a local networking group and make it interesting and engaging for your target audience.

7) Offer benefits to regular customers such as a coffee card that gives a free cup of coffee to customers after they buy 10 cups at the regular price.

Offer incentives for your customers for providing referrals, such as offering them free products and services when they recommend your business to friends who also become customers.

8) Explore the costs of advertising in newspapers, magazines, on radio, television, billboards, bus shelters and benches.

9) Prepare a list of product features and benefits to help you plan your advertising and promotional campaigns.

Promotions and advertising are critical for attracting customers and setting your company apart. When you develop promotional strategies, consider what would bring you the largest return on investment while increasing your publicity to potential clients.